Be Still My Soul

Be Still My Soul

Hymnprovisation Store
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This melody was written while meditating on the words of this beautiful, often overlooked hymn text. The original melody from the classical piece, Finlandia, by Jean Sibelius, is the quiet hymn tune after the loud Brass and Tympanic climax just before it. I found the hymn tune distracting because of the down-beat before each phrase that few people played or sang right, and also because it reminded me so much of the classical piece that I had never digested the incredible message of the text! Right before I wrote this, I had just suffered a painful loss and was sitting at the piano praying and playing somewhat absentmindedly. I got to this song, and while I read and meditated on the words with new meaning, my fingers were playing this melody. I didn’t think about it; I was thinking about the words and it just came to me. I hope you find it a blessing as I did.